Jungle Performer in Dramatic Green Leafy Costume
Bird Ballerina Performer inside a larger than life bird cage in a blue and green costume with iridescent wings and the face of a bird on her head
Choreographed dance routine for a jungle themed event, dancer in the front of the shot posed in a tilt battement
Two Living Flamingo performers costumed in pink unitards, pink tutus, and a sequined flamingo helmet standing in a pool
Aerialist performing on Lollipop Lyra costumed as a brown monkey for a jungle themed event
Two male grand entrance performers much taller than any guest in brown skirts and green leaves and branches adorning their torsos
Four legged silt performer covered in green leaves for a jungle themed event
Two performers costumed for a jungle themed event; one performer in a zebra print unitard and mask and black gloves, boots and corset; other performer on stilts on giraffe print unitard and pants.
Performers for a jungle themed event; costumed as either cave people, a safari explorer, a zebra, or a red butterfly
Bird Ballerina Performer dancing en pointe in a blue and green costume with iridescent wings and the face of a bird on her head
Choreographed dance routine for a jungle themed event
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